Thursday, March 12, 2020

What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique. What is it about you, exactly, that makes you different? Write this up in a detailed list. 

Compassion – I feel like I always find myself thinking about how other people feel in situations. I use this to make sure I always consider the other person’s side. I think this helps me relate to people and makes it easier to find something in common with almost anyone.  

Humbleness – I’m very careful of making sure not to let anything that I accomplish or achieve get to my head. I’m a believer that everyone is capable of doing anything. And I never take the things I’ve been fortunate to have in my life that help me achieve those goals for granted.   

Optimism – I often try to look at the bright side of things. I find that dwelling in the negative can never make a situation better. Staying positive and thinking about what you learned from negative experiences and how they can make you better will result in better outcomes in the future.

Communication – I’m a true believer that communication is key to anything that you do. I also believe that it’s very important to take the time to understand the other side’s point of view.  

Drive – This one is interesting for me because I haven’t always felt like I had this. However, over the year I’ve found that drive for me is not inherent. But it’s come from experience and figuring out what it is that I want from those experiences. Setting clear goals and understanding why I want to achieve those goals has made “drive” one of my strengths.

Interview the five people you know best:

Genaro (Dad):

Alix (Mom):

Juan (Brother):

Anna (Girlfriend):

Kimberly (Sister-in-law):

Reflections: I think my self-assessment was very similar to that of the people closest to me. I think it may be because we share how we feel about each other in some way or another. I don’t think I would change anything, but I do think it would be interesting to see what people who don’t know me as well would say.

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