Friday, March 20, 2020

Elevator Pitch No. 2

Feedback: I learned a lot more from watching my classmates’ videos. I feel like mine was a little on the short side and needed to be a bit more appealing. I tried to add a little bit more energy and also had a guest :) 


  1. Hey Elio, I thought your second elevator pitch was very successful in the ways you describe what your opportunity is about. Your special guest was definitely a good addition in enticing your viewers to be excited about your product. You also seemed more calm in your tone of voice, rather than me to where I felt like I was rushing through some parts, and you did a solid job of not doing that. Overall, you did a great job on this elevator pitch.

  2. Hey Elio,

    As a fellow cat owner and caretaker, there’s nothing worse than cleaning the litter box after it builds up over time. In your pitch, I like how you included your cat in the beginning as it immediately grabs the viewers’ attention. You did a good job in keeping your composure and maintaining eye contact, and I would only recommend you to practice more so that your pitch flows more clearly. Another improvement you can make to your pitch is to include more detail about how the product actually works and why your self-cleaning litter box is better than the competitors litter boxes available right now. Overall, your pitch definitely caught my attention and with a few improvements, I believe that you could definitely sell me one of your self-cleaning litter boxes.
